[Open] Dual-boot testings with another Arch failed

You know, the redit site is 99% pranking the OP?

If you would have written about refind only a single line, it would probably have been more helpful. Thx anyway for trying to support, but is ‘bug’ section of the forum ment to be used to report bugs to the devs instead of discussing about? Better switch over to my forum request instead.

You’re sure about not beeing a bot? :sunglasses:

The key in here is, that I’m requesting Reborn devs at this bug-report forum about not-testing dual-boot of their system with another Arch distribution. Reborn dual-boot installs a non-existant Windows EFI entry, which is quite weird. All signs point toward a Grub2 bug in their code, as they still use Antergos routines. You may check this with Grub customizer.

So? Openly said, I don’t have a clue, how to exchange Grub2 in a broken surrounding with refind. I used refind with another distribution, but there I was questioned during installation which one I prefer. It was already on the live ISO. I can find refind in Arch repositories, but I don’t know how to bring them into a broken system. For my taste, that should be the duty of the developers. Just my point of view, no offence.