Installing additional desktops

I normally use Plasma but I installed Gnome to give it a go and wish to install plasma also as a login option. Is the only package needed is plasma-meta (I’m aware SDDM takes over)? or are there additional steps needed for RebornOS? Just want to make sure so I don’t mess things up.

Hi @jarrard.
reborn actually have their own meta packages for the different desktops. Tho maybe the plasma-meta would also work, haven’t tried it.
If you want the reborn flavor of kde plasma you would install rebornos-cosmic-kde.
sudo pacman -S rebornos-cosmic-kde
Or through rebornos-fire or your favorite arch package manager.

If you have questions or run into issues don’t be afraid to speak up again.

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You may also want to switch the display manager to SDDM:

sudo systemctl disable gdm.service
sudo systemctl enable sddm.service

If you have visual artifacts in KDE Plasma due to Gnome, change the theme on KDE Plasma and optionally set it back up again.