Cosmic DE by pop_os

How can I install Cosmic DE please?


The same instructions as on Arch Linux would work on RebornOS: COSMIC - ArchWiki

Step 1: Install the packages

sudo pacman -S cosmic

Step 2: Disable the existing display manager. For example, if you have lightdm,

sudo systemctl disable lightdm

Replace with sddm or gdm if you have those instead

Step 3: Enable cosmic-greeter

sudo systemctl enable --now cosmic-greeter.service

If you can see a menu on the login screen, select the Cosmic desktop and login with your credentials after that

I will be able to help you later during the day if you run into any problems… I would be outside for a few hours.

Were you able to install Cosmic DE based on the above post?

Yes sorry I didn’t get to send you a reply thanks a lot

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