there is an install of rebOS and eOS tohether in one VM.
the OSs are working well but one problem I’m unable to fix up to now.
in eOS the guest-addition runs without complaint,
but in rebOS there is an error message only
cannot reload kernel modules: one or more still in use
You can change the resolution from within the guest OS (RebornOS) or resize the Virtualbox window on the host.
Also you should check the particular desktop’s font scaling or maybe fractional scaling from settings. Typing “scale” or “scaling” at the launcher menu may lead you to the right settings page.
The problem could be either a setting on Virtualbox or you may need to reboot the host computer and retry whatever you were doing. In either case you can still check fractional scaling in the guest OS settings. Are you on Xfce? The guest additions modules are already running, and that is why you had the error that you described in your first post here.
I tested all ISOs on Virtualbox before release, so I am puzzled that you seem to have a problem on Virtualbox. But we can try the above.
I believe in an error on rebornos, as in the same VM endeavouros is running in dualboot – no such behavior.
I did delete the rebornos and reinstall it - same thing…
it’s the cinnamon-DE in both
btw I had a similar problem on siduction a long time ago
there it was one kernel,( I don’t really remember but guess it was a 6.5.0.x one)
with the dist-release and next kernel all was running…
Interesting. Could you tell me the version of guest utils and kernel on both RebornOS and EOS?
RebornOS installs Arch Linux and adds packages and RebornOS repositories on top of it, so RebornOS will have the same problems as on Arch Linux. We do add some hooks and grub commandline options for Nvidia users to safely boot without encountering a black screen, but that may not affect Virtualbox resolution.
ohh @shivanandvp I’m sorry —> it was a fault of mine !!
I didn’t know that the guest-additions / -utils for quemu and virtualbox are in rebornos by default
as you told that to me, immediatly I created another vm, only rebornos and dit NOT try to install guest-adds as usual from the host (vbox)
everything runs…
but if there is only one try to do it manually (like on other distros necessary)
on rebornos nothing will run…
sorry for my inexperience