Are there issues with TS? Why is it not available to use to set up Rsync or Btrfs back ups?
Are there issues with TS? Why is it not available to use to set up Rsync or Btrfs back ups?
Hi @scubapro25 , how did you install timeshift
Wow! That was fast!
I believe it came automatically with my installation of Reborn Cinnamon (Kernel: 5.12.9-arch1-1)
Could you try installing the latest patched version using
yay -S timeshift
There was an update just yesterday. Please let me know if this doesn’t work.
Thanks for trying to help, but I installed the patch according to your suggestion and I’m afraid I’m still getting the ‘Live USB Only’ option.
@scubapro25 Could you share the outputs of these? (Run them on a terminal):
pacman -Qi timeshift
pacman -Qi timeshift
[mike@mikey-pc ~]$ pacman -Qi timeshift
Name : timeshift
Version : 20.11.1+3+g08d0e59-3
Description : A system restore utility for Linux
Architecture : x86_64
URL : GitHub - teejee2008/timeshift: System restore tool for Linux. Creates filesystem snapshots using rsync+hardlinks, or BTRFS snapshots. Supports scheduled snapshots, multiple backup levels, and exclude filters. Snapshots can be restored while system is running or from Live CD/USB.
Licenses : GPL
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : gtk3 libsoup cronie rsync libgee vte3 xapp xorg-xhost
Optional Deps : btrfs-progs: BTRFS support [installed]
Required By : None
Optional For : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Installed Size : 3.82 MiB
Packager : Unknown Packager
Build Date : Mon 19 Apr 2021 11:45:37 AM PDT
Install Date : Mon 07 Jun 2021 08:36:21 PM PDT
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : Yes
Validated By : Signature
timeshift-launcher output = timeshift with same options as before, ie: Live USB Restore Only
@scubapro25 As I suspected, it did not update to the latest version. Let us use a different command this time to install the latest version:
yay -Sy timeshift
This should work if it takes from AUR instead of the rebornos repository
I think I realize what is going on. The RebornOS repository might be substituting the AUR version. Let me test a few things and get back to you. The latest version on AUR is 20.11.1+4+gd437358-1
and the RebornOS repository replaces it with an older version with higher priority.
Cool. Thanks, shivanandvp
Tested this and it installs the supposed fixed version from the AUR (20.11.1+4+gd437358-1
yay -Sy aur/timeshift
I will try to get the RebornOS repository to use the latest version too, soon.
Let me know how this goes
Thanks for all your help, shivanandvp!
@scubapro25 Is your problem solved?
Sorry for the late reply: problem solved–thanks!