Refind + snapper or timeshift


How to use snapper or timeshift with refind boot manager ?

I tried timeshift and snapper. Snapshots are taken. I was previously using grub-btrfs and snapshots were available in the grub menu.

I have never really tried this, but you may carefully read the instructions here: GitHub - Venom1991/refind-btrfs: Generate rEFInd manual boot stanzas from Btrfs snapshots

It is also possible to install grub in place of refind if you want grub-btrfs

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It doesn’t work for me.

After doing

sudo systemctl enable --now refind-btrfs.service


systemctl status refind-btrfs

It doesn’t show an error, but there are no snapshots in the refind menu as in the photo. I have to give up and go back to grub.

One has to try running their script and then check if refind.conf changes in response. Did that not work?