New version of pamac available

pamac has been updated in our repository:

pamac-aur-10.1.1-1.1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst (this version supports AUR and flatpak)

Also available:

pamac-aur-snap-10.1.1-1.1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst (this version supports AUR, flatpak, and snap)

This version fixed the problem of the previous one, which did not allow access to AUR.

Update your systems, please.


The RebornOS Team



I saw that there’s a pamac-all, but it break a rebornOS extension on kde plasma. What is there different in pamac-all?

Greetings @littlejhonnesme!

We at RebornOS maintain and follow the development of pamac-aur. pamac-all is from another developer. I recommend that you continue to use pamac-aur, which takes special care in its integration with RebornOS.

Thank you for staying with us!

A big hello, and take care!

The RebrnOS Team


Thanks for your answer. At now I’m using pamac-aur-snap but I’m with that error in pamac window size. It’s more 1500 in height but I’ll wait until be solved.

Thanks for all, thanks for REBORNOS.