Unable to install RebornOS on my laptop PC

I’m trying to install RebornOS on my laptop PC. I have a 2GB esp partition, a 40GB partition for / (the system), and a roughly 74GB partition for /home. After connecting to the Internet, when I try to start the installer from the large ‘Online Install’ icon, I get a screen flash, then a red busy icon, and nothing happens. After a reboot into the live system again, I discovered that I can start the installer from the Applications menu, but installation fails.

I wanted to include the installer’s install.log file, but, as a new user, I don’t have enough space in this post to add it. I’ll try to get the link to it and update this post with it soon.


Here is the link to my install log:


I hope this helps,


Hi @ernie ,

Would you like to try a recent build of the ISO+installer? : rebornos_iso-2024.03.21-x86_64.iso - Google Drive. If you prefer a quicker fix, I built the above ISO two days ago and I have tested it with a few desktop environments. New builds of the installer and ISO are just as good as the official releases after they install successfully.
UPDATE: I just tested it with KDE Plasma and it installs successfully.

After a failed installation, you can upload the logs by running upload-logs on a terminal. It gives you a URL that you can share here.

I’ll try your more recent ISO image for now. Here is the link to the log:

I hope it helps,



I looked at the install logs you shared. I see that the package list is outdated and has packages that Arch repositories no longer carry. The installer auto-updates when launched from the welcome app, but since you mentioned that the installer was not launching that way, I believe that the dependencies for the installer present on the ISO now have unresolvable conflicts with those of the updated installer release on GitHub (Arch Linux keeps moving and renaming packages in their repositories, so a package that exists now may not exist later. Package conflicts can arise in some cases, requiring manual intervention, especially because the installer backend switched from using Qt5 to using Qt6).

The remedy for this problem would be for us to upload the new ISO build to our website.
(P.S. An alternative would be to run a full upgrade on the ISO and resolve any package conflicts manually, before launching the installer from the welcome app. If you are familiar with Arch Linux, this option would be okay to try).

The recent build solved my problem. I am posting this from within my new RebornOS installation. Thank you for your help. If you need any help with testing the new image or any of its components, please contact me (if you need my email address, tell me a safe way to give it to you). I’ll be very happy to return the favor by helping you.


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Thought I should remind you that KDE Plasma’s Discover installs flatpaks on Arch/RebornOS whose performance is not as good as native Arch packages. So you might want to install octopi and use that for package management. It is in our repos:

sudo pacman -S octopi

I tried updating the system from within the ISO environment, then running the installer from the welcome app, with the same result. I did not see any conflicts while updating the system.


step 1) make sure you are on the LATEST ISO
step 2) boot up the iso
step 3) go into the terminal and run sudo pacman -Syyu
step 4) actually put a password for your password dont leave it blank.

I like to install and use pamac (GUI named “Add & Remove Software”), and it seems to work correctly with the system I was able to install using your more recent ISO. Thank you for that link. I suspect that my trouble was that AUR has moved on, and the 2024.02.16 ISO could not. You can add my Lenovo Legion 5 laptop PC to your list of compatible devices (If you keep such a thing). The installer from your new 2024.03.21 ISO worked perfectly.
