Hey guys. Can anyone tell me where the RebornOS logo came from or what it represents?
its a tie-fighter window i would guess ?
Lol! Awesome answer.
The original founder of RebornOS (Keegan) and the designer of the logo (Trivoxel) are the only people who I think would know how the logo came into being. They are no longer with RebornOS (and probably not even reachable). RebornOS was changed completely from ground up (except for the logo and name) after the new team took over (the earlier RebornOS was based on Antergos and its Cnchi installer). Our community has been on Discord and the old Forum was on a different platform that is no longer accessible.
In summary, none of us know the answer (I am perhaps the earliest member of the RebornOS community currently in the team) and if you can reach Keegan or Trivoxel, they would likely know what the meaning behind the logo is
Thank you for the explanation.
Trivoxel responded on Discord