Regolith DE installation error

Trying to install regolith desktop from reborn-29.07.2022 iso.
Am getting package not found error for regolith-styles.
The problem is the installer expects regolith-styles-1.6-13-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
But the repo is having only regolith-styles-1.6-11-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst.
I have checked few mirrors manully from website. All of them, that I checked, have the old version only.
Should I wait for few more days for the repo to get synced or is there any problem in installer?

That is interesting. Wonder if @CookieSource is aware of this.

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I’m not But I should prob mention Regolith is broken on Arch until 2.0 gets build against it.

It’s up for removal if it doesn’t get that patch soon

Developers have updated packages related to regolith desktop yester 10.10.2022 onto the repository including regolith-styles package. The repo has the regolith-styles package version of 1.6.13

My installation went thru with no errors.

P.S As the issue is resolved, I request admin to close this as solved. Thanks

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