RebornOs installer's partition selection is confusing

Installing RebornOS for the first time here.
When i had to select a partition to install ,
I was thinking that even though i had selected the partition and it had automatically set the partition as root .It isn’t letting me go to the next page. What was actually happening is that it showed that the root partition is not selected by showing a box with a close icon and root. But i thought that close icon is a button that allows me to close that box. So i think it would be better if you maybe put red background around that close icon so that it clearly shows what it is there for.

Sorry i couldn’t find the exact image but i’m talking about this part

Thanks for the feedback.

Cnchi (the current installer) is at its end-of-life stage. So we may not modify it. We are already testing our new installer based on Calamares.