Problem: GTK4 app e.g. dino does not folow plasma theme

hi everyone, as the title already says, GTK4 app e.g. Dino does not follow plasma theme,
I did try everything incl. Google search.

anyone an idea to help me out, this stubborn window is not so important
yet very annoying :slight_smile:

Would this be of any help to you?: Uniform look for Qt and GTK applications - ArchWiki

Thanks for the link, I have tried all of them, but they are not explicitly talking about GTK4,
but yes I have tried and had no luck so far …

Perhaps this Colloid theme will help ^^

Source: Reddit - Dive into anything

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thanks, somehow I got it solved, so I installed some GTK-4.0 Themes:

Went to the .themes folder
chose one of the gtk4 theme folder,
inside the theme folder opened the gtk-4.0 , and
copied the content into the emptied folder

This is it, maybe need to restart the GTK4 app but not the system

… I installed also Colloid themes, but I could not find the folder where they are in

It should be in /usr/share/themes

Source: PKGBUILD - aur.git - AUR Package Repositories

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you are right, I just remember now, I
did cut back on AUR-packages
:slight_smile: for a healthy and flat system,
thank you so much for your help