I install RebornOS-ARM-opi5-2023-03-03.img.xz to ssd.
After boot , run sudo pacman -Syyu and reboot.
so can not boot.
ERROR: device 'PARTUUID=614e0000-0000.
partuuid is mistake.
after this operation, can not boot.
I install RebornOS-ARM-opi5-2023-03-03.img.xz to ssd.
After boot , run sudo pacman -Syyu and reboot.
so can not boot.
ERROR: device 'PARTUUID=614e0000-0000.
partuuid is mistake.
Install linux-orangepi
are the package names my bad*
also sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf
comment out the [rebornos] and the include = stuff
Thank you.
I comment out the [rebornos] and the include = stuff in /etc/pacman.conf
So sudo pacman -Syyu successed.