Onboard keyboard

Well… I’ve done all these things, made the change in the .config to no effect. So still no virtual keyboard available on the login screen. Terminals and I just don’t usually mix I guess. Hopefully the developers will implement one for the login screen in a future update. Until then, I’ll have to do things the more difficult way. I’m not going to drop RebornOS just over this one issue. Regardless, thanks to all who tried to help.

Now I’m officially cross eyed from prolonged screen staring…

To activate the keyboard in RebornOS with the Cinnamon desktop and lightdm:

First, install the following:

sudo pacman -S onboard mousetweaks

Then from the terminal, execute the following (copy and paste one line at a time):

sudo echo "indicators=~a11y;~session;~power" >> /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf

sudo echo "keyboard=onboard" >> /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf

Restart the computer. When access the lightdm home screen, press F3 to access the on-screen keyboard.