How to change gdm or sddm to lightdm

This can be useful in cases where the gmd display manager (on GNOME) and the sddm display manager (on KDE) have problems and will not allow access to these desktops.

The idea is to have lightdm installed on both desktops, but without activating it, so that if necessary, it is easy to change one for the other. We will indicate the procedure:

First, we will install everything necessary to have lightdm in our system. To do this, from the terminal:

sudo pacman -S lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter rebornos-lightdm-gtk-greeter-images lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings

Then we will customize the access. To do this, from the terminal:

sudo echo "[greeter]" >> /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.confsudo echo "theme-name = Flat-Plat-Blue" >> /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.confsudo echo "icon-theme-name = Flat-Remix-Green" >> /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.confsudo echo "background = /usr/share/pixmaps/rebornos.jpg" >> /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.confsudo echo "default-user-image = /usr/share/pixmaps/avatar.png" >> /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf

NOTE 1: If KDE or GNOME is installed with ISO RebornOS-2020.08.22-x86_64.iso (testing ISO only present in Sourceforge) or newer, the above steps are unnecessary as it will be installed by cnchi.

NOTE 2: In the case of installing lightdm in PLASMA, there is one more step to follow:
We must create the ksplashrc file in ~/.config . This is done from the terminal with (In this case we will not use sudo):

nano ~/.config/ksplashrc

Inside copy the following:


Save (Ctrl + o) and exit (Ctrl + x).

(1). In the case of changing gdm to lightdm if we use GNOME:
We will have to disable gdm, and enable lightdm. To do this, from the terminal:

sudo systemctl disable gdmsudo systemctl enable lightdm

If we want to disable lightdm, and re-enable gdm to use GNOME as it comes by default, then from the terminal:

sudo systemctl disable lightdmsudo systemctl enable gdm

(2). In the case of changing sddm to lightdm if we use KDE:
We will have to disable sddm, and enable lightdm. To do this, from the terminal:

sudo systemctl disable sddmsudo systemctl enable lightdm

If we want to disable lightdm, and re-enable sddm to use KDE as it comes by default, then from the terminal:

sudo systemctl disable lightdmsudo systemctl enable sddm

Te RebornOS Team