Wifi settings can't be saved, cannot connect

Hi, New install and I can’t connect to wifi.I can see my SSID. When I try to connect it says 'SSID cannot be found. All of the details that I entered, password etc, are gone, despite me clicking on Save. To be clear, My SSID is in the list of available networks but when I try to connect to it, my SSID ‘cannot be found’. Any help appreciated. Thank you.

Hi! Did you save the data on the ISO or on the new install?

On the new install. Rather, I tried to save the data.

Check if you can create a new directory in the home directory. Is it writeable?

I created a new folder, no issues.

Hi! Could you share a screenshot of your error? If possible, it is more convenient to resolve this on our Discord Server since it is suitable for instant messaging.

Uploading: Screenshot_select-area_20220517131240.png…
Uploading: Screenshot_select-area_20220517130925.png…

The first is a screen of my list of available networks. Mine is second from the top. The second is a screen of my settings, with the security settings, password etc clearly now missing. I could not screen the error message. All I get is a popup saying that VM56Fp32B could not be found.

Hi @Foxblood , the pictures are not uploaded. If you could wait until the upload of your screenshots completes and then submit the post, it would be saved correctly.

Our Discord Server will probably be much easier for this conversation


Thanks for your response.The matter resolved itself, somehow. They say madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I tried over and over and, eventually, I got the result I wanted. No, I can’t explain how or why it worked, but it did. Now, I have a fully functional Reborn install and I’m happy. Thanks again for your reply.



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@Foxblood That is interesting. Do you remember updating your OS or rebooting your computer?

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I did reboot, just on the off chance that something had failed to load correctly.



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Thanks for the information. Currently it seems that I do not have enough data to diagnose the problem. Please do post if the problem rearises.