No Audio Devices

Can anyone help me to solve this?
I am using kde and I have no audio devices like on image.
I until can listen audio but sometimes microphone is not detected on vokoscreen or conferences sites like meet ou zoom.


Try installing

yay -S --needed pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse pipewire-jack pulseeffects pipewire-docs xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-kde helvum

and reboot(save all your work before rebooting) to see if your device shows up. The detailed troubleshooting information is found at PipeWire - ArchWiki after that, but one of us can help you here with it :slightly_smiling_face:

Man, it was really good!
Now there’s even sound coming out of things that never worked. The strange thing is that my desktop that has RebornOs installed for longer than my notebook didn’t need any of this and it’s working fine. As I realized that pulseaudio came out and pipewire arrived , I am thinking of running the same command on it. What do you advise?

For now, thank you very much! This team is amazing and I am very grateful to have been a user of this system for so long.

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Hi @littlejhonnesme. Glad to know that your devices are working :slightly_smiling_face:.

If you’re going to run the command on your desktop, you must know that one of the packages I suggested was based on the information that you’re running KDE Plasma. If you have some other desktop environment, the package xdg-desktop-portal-kde must be replaced by another backend. For Gnome, for example, the backend can be xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.
And yes, you would be able to run this safely on your desktop.

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I ran the pipe-wire install command all seems fine now.

Thanks for your help.


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