How add snap support to discover on Reborn Os with kde?

I just wanna snap support to discover… I know install snap apps on terminal but I think it’s possible a graphical support on discover.

First, we’ll check if Snap is installed and install it if it is not present already:

yay -S --needed snapd

Similarly, the below command will install Discover if you don’t already have it:

sudo pacman -S --needed discover

Then, open your Discover application, click on Settings on the left pane and then scroll down all the way to find Discover - Snap backend. Install it if it provides you the Install button.

That should do the job. Let me know if it worked :slight_smile:

If you don’t have Discover don’t install it. If you do Reborn has a tutorial on the forums for removing it. I’d suggest using Pamac-aur or Pamac-all over Discover, then install pamac-tray(then launch Autostart and add pamac-tray to it). Reborn devs say they have a version of Pamac-aur that has Snap support so you don’t need Pamac-all.