Cannot Select Country from calamares

Just tried an iso of Manjaro as it uses Calamares too. I was able to getthrough the welcome screen and allowed me to select Europe and London. Is there anything I can add to the config files manually so that Location, keyboard and time zone are pre set?

One could copy paste their welcome.conf (in /etc/calamares/modules) into RebornOS’s welcomeq.conf and relaunch the installer to see if that makes a difference

No joy with this on the Lenovo. I’ll try this out on a refurbished laptop I got from eBay. Is installing in that okay.

Thanks for all your help and suggestions

Was your Next button enabled or grayed out when the problem arose?

Would you like to go through those same steps to reproduce the problem, wait for 5 min, and then run upload-logs?

I might release an update to the welcome app to disable GeoIP too. Perhaps that might help. I will keep you posted.

Thanks, yes the button was greyed out

You said

It seems from your earlier post that you did something (maybe disabled checks from the welcome app or maybe disabled geoip in /etc/calamares/modules/welcomeq.conf) and after that you were able to continue to the next screen which gave you a choice of Europe and Amsterdam! :slightly_smiling_face:

That means you already tried one solution to the original problem and that solution worked. After installation of RebornOS, timezone can be changed easily. So it is fine if you select Europe and Amsterdam. Would you like to do your installation this way?

Unfortunately, the next button was greyed out. so I wasn’t able to proceed further with the installation

Thought, I would come back and try this again with the latest ISO but still giving the same issues, having installed it without any isses from the same media onto my ASUS laptop.

BTW this should say Calamares in the tile

Assuming “same issues” means a greyed out button, you can run upload-logs on a terminal when the installer is stuck. That will give you a URL which has installation log uploaded to it. Share the logs here.

fixed the title for you

The logs indicate that the installer has issues handling the storage and shows insufficient storage. Can you create a new bootable medium, possibly with Balena Etcher, Rufus (in dd mode), or Ventoy (updated)?

Also, verify the checksum of the downloaded ISO to check for corruption.

many thanks :+1:

the media being used was 1Tb nvme kioxa drive in an enclosure which did the job last night on the asus laptop ok.

So I downloaded a fresh image and did the md5 checksum - was OK.

Flashed to a 32GB Kioxa USB this time flashed with Latest Rufus in DD mode and still same issue. Logs from this one:

also tried etcher both drives flashed ok with this but then disappeared from windows explorer?

How long did you wait? 2-3 min wait is fine when the installer loads.

10-15 mins so a lot longer. i am going to try and capture a video of whats happening

Video on Google Drive

So by disabling the 3 checks in advanced it allows me to get onto that screen. However, as per the video, as soon as I hover to make a change from the dropdown list that is what happens

As it works ok my laptop could it be the drives in my lenovo it doesn’t like for some reason? Plenty space on them too BTW

Hello, it looks like an issue with installer, I’ll test out the latest ISO to see if it happens here aswell. Can you send the logs after the dropdown issue occurs? You can find the logfile in ~/install.log.

Hello, just to make sure, are you using our latest ISO?