Slow updates? Here are new ways to refresh and select mirrors on RebornOS

Dear RebornOS Community,

If your updates are slow and you are sure that your internet connection is fine, read on to learn about the different ways you can update your mirrorlist files on RebornOS, such that you have the fastest mirrors to download packages from.

1. Through the Desktop Entry

Run the below command first, to install the application:

sudo pacman -Sy --needed refresh-mirrors

Open the application menu or application grid, launcher, or runner, and find Refresh Mirrors and launch it by clicking, or hitting Enter. The text and icon may look like the below image:

Screenshot from 2021-08-05 23-05-20

Enter your password at the prompt and the rate-mirrors tool will run on a terminal with pre-selected options. In the end, it will refresh your Arch Linux and RebornOS mirrors to provide you the fastest update/install speed you can get.

2. Through RebornOS Welcome

Please click here for extra steps if you have not upgraded your system recently...

Run the below command first, to install the required applications:

sudo pacman -Sy --needed rebornos-welcome

Launch the RebornOS Welcome application, Click on the Utilities tab on the bottom-left, and click on the Refresh Pacman Mirrors button as shown below:

Enter your password at the prompt and the rate-mirrors tool will run on a terminal with pre-selected options. In the end, it will refresh your Arch Linux and RebornOS mirrors to provide you the fastest update/install speed you can get.

3. Through the systemd service

Please click here for extra steps if you have not upgraded your system recently...

Run the below command first, to install the application:

sudo pacman -Sy --needed refresh-mirrors

Just like how reflector does, we offer a systemd service if you would like to run rate-mirrors every time you boot. Run the below command to enable it:

sudo systemctl enable refresh-mirrors.service

If you would also like to run the tool once now while also enabling it to run at boot, run the below command:

sudo systemctl enable --now refresh-mirrors.service

Enabling the systemd service using the above commands will run the rate-mirrors tool every time you boot, with pre-selected options. In the end, it will refresh your Arch Linux and RebornOS mirrors to provide you the fastest update/install speed you can get.

4. (Advanced) Running rate-mirrors on a terminal

  1. Install rate-mirrors:
sudo pacman -Sy --needed rate-mirrors
  1. Run the rate-mirrors command to refresh RebornOS mirrors. Below is an example:
sudo rate-mirrors --concurrency=16 --per-mirror-timeout=3000 --allow-root --save=/etc/pacman.d/reborn-mirrorlist rebornos
  1. Run the rate-mirrors command to refresh Arch Linux mirrors. Below is an example:
sudo rate-mirrors --protocol=https --allow-root --save=/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist arch

5. (Advanced) Running reflector on a terminal

Note: This will only refresh Arch Linux mirrors and not those of RebornOS

  1. Install reflector:
sudo pacman -Sy --needed reflector
  1. Run the reflector command (with sudo) (here are some examples) and save the output to /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist. Here is one example on how to do that:
sudo reflector --latest 20 --protocol https --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist