I tried installing the latest beta and get the following when trying to install openbox:
The package manager could not make changes to the installed system. The command
pacmanreturned error code 1
Looking at the log I noticed there are dependencies for python2 which was removed a few days ago from the arch repos. I see this:
Enter a number (default=1): warning: cannot resolve “python2”, a dependency of “obkey”
warning: cannot resolve “python2”, a dependency of “python2-cairo”
warning: cannot resolve “python2-cairo”, a dependency of “pygtk”
warning: cannot resolve “python2”, a dependency of “python2-gobject2”
warning: cannot resolve “python2-gobject2”, a dependency of “pygtk”
warning: cannot resolve “pygtk”, a dependency of “obkey”
Are there plans to change this to python3?