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I can’t get Bluetooth working in RebornOS on ROCK 5B.
I am using the Wireless A8 Module from Radxa, which has some steps to make BT work:
I have followed these steps and even tried some arrangements but I still can’t make it work in RebornOS.
In non-Arch Linux distributions, BT worked perfectly after blacklisting as mentioned in the link.
But, btusb is the generic driver for BT in Arch Linux. So, when I blacklist btusb, it is impossible to turn on Bluetooth again (I mean without whitelisting btusb).
Do you have any solutions for this problem? I am truly fond of this OS, which allows me to use my SBC like a perfect desktop.

Regards, we haven’t got Bluetooth to work with Radxa A8 Module on RebornOS on Rock5B yet, so far only WIFI works. We will try to find a solution for it.

Thank you for your prompt response.
Do you know whether Bluetooth works with Intel 7265NGW or 0MHK36 on RebornOS, or not?
I will start looking for one of those Wi-Fi cards if it does.

We haven’t tested any Intel 7265NGW or 0MHK36 on RebornOS ARM for Rock5B.

Thanks again. I would be delighted if BT works in some way. I will try to find one of the cards myself.
I will be sure to inform you if they do work.

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I have found a NOS Intel 7265NGW. It worked after a few install/reinstall steps. Connecting audio is also no problem. In my opinion btusb Kernel is the key. Since 7265 and 3165 both have BT(USB) as System Interface Type, there shouldn’t be a problem with either of them.

Desde hace un tiempo, meses, al querer actualizar con pamac me da primero aviso de fallo al sincronizar base de datos, y si trato de avanzar llega a un punto en que me da error de base de datos no válida o dañada. En este punto no me deja seguir con la actualización del sistema.
Actualizando desde terminal con sudo pacman -Syyu no parece haber problema.
ÂżHay alguna forma de restablecer la base de datos de pamac?