RebornOS ARM Community Testing

Looking for Testing and Feedback!

Do you have a Raspberry Pi 4?

Are you a fan of RebornOS?

If you answered yes to both questions we would like to offer the opportunity to our community to test and provide feedback on our most recent RebornOS ARM version.

Feedback can be left in Discord or the Forums for the highest level of visibility.

~ RebornOS Team


Currently running manjaro on mi pi4 (just a hobby/fun) but I’ll gladly give rebornos a try


@sawdoctor We’re still testing and it is not ready for release yet. So if you have an extra SD card lying around, you may use that instead of replacing your current OS :slightly_smiling_face:.

Its fine, I only use my pi4 for testing things so happy to test anything


Also, as a side note - the OS is currently the base version. Once this is good to go I will add Desktop Environment options.

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