Hey guys,
Gnome just updated to 42 and broke a bunch of extensions. The huge one I use is dash to panel. Does anyone know when it will get pushed to the repo? I think a version compatible with Gnome 42 is available. Really wish Gnome wouldn’t update to break extensions like this.
@Rafael might be able to help
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you might be able to downgrade gnome 42 for now using downgrade
sudo pacman -S downgrade
sudo downgrade gnome
Thanks, I had tried just “sudo downgrade gnome” but it said:
No results found
Unable to downgrade gnome
What does the “-S downgrade” do? Also, isn’t there are bunch of gnome dependent things, would just downgrading gnome properly downgrade all the things it relies on?
pacman -S downgrade installs the utility unless you dont have it
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Hi @rebornosday ,
@Rafael has updated gnome shell extension dash to panel
to version 46, compatible with GNOME 42. We will have to wait for it to be available in all mirrors. Now available at repo.rebornos.org.
Thanks for being patient!
Wow thank you so much for the speedy help @shivanandvp and @Rafael ! Updated and it’s working great saving me productivity time while working!
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