We are not present in Telegram

IMPORTANT: We remind all our users that we are not present in Telegam.

I think it would be very important. The most others distros has a comunnity (group or channel) present on this social network and RebornOs need to be part of this world too.

There is a Rebornos telegram group (Iā€™m in it). Is it not active anymore or is it just an unofficial group?

@sawdoctor The RebornOS Team is not involved with the Telegram group. It was started by some others. Going by their handle of @rebornos, people may wrongly assume that it might be official, but it is not. Their group handle and group name are potentially misleading. We thought it is worth clarifying :slight_smile: . We are currently officially on:

  1. Discord: https://discord.gg/cU5s6MPpQH
  2. Discourse Forums: https://rebornos.discourse.group
  3. Facebook: RebornOS - Home | Facebook
  4. Twitter: https://twitter.com/rebornoslinux
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